Teen Retreat
Admittedly, working with teenagers doesn't come easily to me. Give me a group of 5 or 6-year-olds and I’m in my element.
Once they hit about 12 or 13, they start to get scary (in an “I’m not really
sure what to say to you” kind of way.) Somehow though, these teens are endearing
themselves to me in unexpected ways. Don’t
get me wrong. They can be very difficult. But the moments when I can see it on
their faces that they’re starting to get it, that they’re learning what it
means to experience God’s love, those are the moments when I remember why we do
what we do. They seemed to really enjoy the retreat and didn't want to leave
when the time came. They were begging to stay just one more night. (They even
tried to convince Clara to leave them there with me while she went home to
handle her other responsibilities. AHHHHH!!!) We had to say no this time, but their
enthusiasm makes me really excited for the week long camps we have planned for
the summer!
Iolanda and Osaís have been the directors of CEF Portugal
for almost a year now, but this was their first time visiting the islands.
Having them here allowed for some more exploration of this beautiful island
that I’m quickly falling in love with. It seems that every time I turn around
there’s another example of God’s beautiful creation to be amazed by. It does
make me wonder, though, if there might be many similar examples that I
overlooked at home in the states simply because I never took the time to look.
Let me take this opportunity to encourage you, no matter where you are, to take
the time to look and enjoy the beauty of God’s creation…it’s all around you.
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